Arm lift

What is an Arm Lift?

What is an Arm Lift?

The verb "to lift" means in English to lift, and therefore with this operation one wants to lift and traction the excess tissue of the arm towards the armpit.

Dr. Romano and Dr. Fuhr, depending on the degree of tissue laxity and/or excess skin, can choose whether to perform a simple liposuction or a skin removal operation.




180 minutes


Day Hospital


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Patients approaching this technique are predominantly female patients aged between 40 and 60 years suffering from:

  • Loss of tissue trophism due to congenital or age-related causes
  • Loss of tissue trophism due to excessive weight loss

The operation can be performed throughout the year, but the best time of the year is certainly the cooler months, as it is necessary to wear thick elastic girdles for 1 month.

The preoperative examination with the medical staff at Studio Romano Fuhr is aimed at assessing the patient's general clinical situation and agreeing on the desired result in an absolutely informal but professional atmosphere.

In order to exclude pre-existing pathologies, patients are advised to perform, in addition to the routine examinations for all surgical procedures (blood count, coagulation balance and ECG), the following examination

  • echocolordoppler of the lower limbs

Patients are advised not to take any anticoagulant drugs (aspirin, excessive vitamin C, contraceptives, etc.) for 10 days before surgery, and not to smoke for 1 month before and after surgery.

The arm lift technique can be variable depending on the patient's clinical picture:

  • Modest skin laxity associated with good tissue trophism

In this case we proceed with liposuction, which will not leave any scarring and will allow the patient a rapid post-operative recovery

  • Considerable skin laxity (bat wings) with poor tissue trophism

In this case, surgical removal of the excess skin is recommended, resulting in a scar extending from the elbow to the armpit on the inner face of the arms.

The operation will last between 60 and 240 minutes with a day hospital stay of about 4-6 hours. The result is generally definitive and permanent; in some particular cases a touch-up may be required.

The post-operative period of the arm lift is generally quick and painless, characterised by slight bruising and oedema of the limbs, which disappear about 2-3 weeks after the operation.

Rest for 12 hours is recommended with progressive resumption of normal life from the second day.

It is advisable to refrain from smoking for at least 30 days after the operation.

To accelerate the healing process and reduction of oedema, wearing a compression sleeve for 30 days after surgery is recommended.