Aesthetic retouching is (thankfully) no longer taboo

Aesthetic retouching is (thankfully) no longer taboo

Until a few years ago, cosmetic surgery was undoubtedly considered a big taboo. Those who underwent plastic surgery denied having done it (even in front of the evidence), perhaps for fear of being considered frivolous, superficial or perhaps for fear of not being considered an 'authentic' person. Today, fortunately, things have profoundly changed in this respect. the surgical approach, which tends to keep the patients' main features as much as possible, has changed, as has the attitude of the patients, who are now proud of their operations.

Many more people are now resorting to cosmetic surgery, it is talked about in the newspapers, there are even TV shows, and many stars have no problem declaring that they have undergone surgery.

Of course, it is always something not to be taken lightly, to be evaluated carefully and, above all, only to be done by real professionals, only then will the results be guaranteed. However, we are very happy that the annoying and untrue legends about cosmetic surgery have been definitively debunked.

for example, the idea that women who have undergone cosmetic surgery are all the same has been dispelled. Those are actually just examples of bad cosmetic surgery. A good doctor knows how important it is to achieve natural results that are not artificial, but that make people feel comfortable with their bodies.

Another myth that has been decisively debunked by reality is the famous 'puffed lips'. Again, these are procedures with an artificial and unnatural result that are totally avoidable. Today, with the spread of biocompatible fillers, it is possible to increase the volume of the lips in a soft and completely natural way.

The same goes for the breasts. Perhaps years ago when breasts were rebuilt, the result was that of 'two little balls'. Here too, however, the breast augmentation techniques used today are among the most advanced, so much so that even the most experienced breast experts are challenged to recognise a remodelled breast from a natural one.

Another myth that has been decisively debunked is that cosmetic surgery is only for women. This is actually now just a prejudice. In fact, many men resort to cosmetic surgery for liposuction, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, and abdominoplasty.

We are very happy about this because cosmetic surgery, when done well and professionally, can only improve the appearance, and even the life, of people.