Fighting ageing with lipofilling

Fighting ageing with lipofilling

Ageing results in a natural alteration of the tissues of the face and neck due to thinning of muscle masses, atrophy of fat tissue and reduced elasticity of the skin. In the eye region, the eyebrow empties and droops, the upper eyelid furrow deepens, the temple empties, and the tissues also begin to 'sag', leading to signs of ageing. In the lower part of the face, on the other hand, the cheek empties, causing dark circles under the eyes, the lower bags become more pronounced and the cheekbone loses its projection.

These depressions can be integrated in the most natural and safe way using fat transfer. Lipofilling can be used to alleviate these imperfections, filling in wrinkles and furrows and reshaping facial volumes. Fat transfer, also called autologous fat transplantation, restores volume to facial features and is an alternative to other filler treatments.

This surgical method consists of taking fat from certain areas of the body where it is naturally present in larger quantities, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, and transferring it - after appropriate treatment - to another area of the body, most frequently the face.

This is not liposuction, as small amounts are removed that are useful for implantation and not for slimming a certain area. The fat is removed with thin cannulas in a gentle manner through a relatively simple, safe and micro-invasive procedure that, precisely because it involves the use of one's own body fat, rules out any possibility of allergies and intolerances. And yet, despite being simple, facial lipofilling is still a realsurgical procedure and must be performed by a plastic surgery specialist within certified and licensed facilities.

The procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anaesthesia with sedation. It leaves no visible scars as the procedure is performed with incisions of a few millimetres made in hidden areas. Whereas in the face, lipofilling is done using micro-cannulas without incisions.

The naturalness of the results of lipofilling and the effectiveness of the technique make it one of the fastest-growing aesthetic treatments in recent years, and in many cases it can avoid the traditional open face lift, which is much more invasive.

The result that can be obtained from this type of surgery is very satisfactory, the only limitation being partial reabsorption, which varies from individual to individual. A further operation may therefore be necessary after about a few months .