Lips in the foreground at full volume

Lips in the foreground at full volume

Who doesn't want beautiful, plump and sensual lips? And how many women (but also men) are not resigned to their lips getting thinner with age? Indeed, with the passage of time, the lips tend to shrink and flatten and small wrinkles form on the contour. But there are also many young girls who decide to try lip fillers to get a fuller, more sensual mouth. Until a few years ago, to obtain full lips required actual surgery, but today mini-invasive and less expensive techniques are becoming more and more popular, with which we can achieve excellent, much more natural results. We are therefore able to restore the right shape, tone and turgidity to the lips in a natural way.

Mini-invasive treatments are performed with subcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid fillers or lipofillers. Let us therefore see what the effects of these two types of treatments are and their differences.

Treatment by injection of hyaluronic acid isperformed under local anaesthesia using lidocaine-based creams or through micro-injections of local anaesthetic.Hyaluronic acid is injected under the outer layer of the skin The infiltration phase is very quick and lasts about 15 minutes. The treatment is safe; hyaluronic acid does not require any allergy test as it is a substance that occurs naturally in the body and is absolutely compatible and reabsorbable by the body itself. After treatment, swellings and oedemas may occur that are quickly reabsorbed. The effects of this type of treatment are not permanent but temporary; their duration also depends greatly on the mimicry of the mouth, but is usually 6 to 9 months.

Lipofilling ,on the other hand, consists of harvesting autologous fat, i.e. from the patient herself, from another area of the body such as the belly and buttocks.This is then centrifuged and injected into the area to be plumped, in this case the lips. The procedure, again, takes place under local anaesthesia and lasts about 15 minutes. At the end there may be a slight swelling that disappears within a few days. In this case the duration of the treatment is up to a few years.

Like fillers, including hyaluronic acid fillers, lipofillers are able to retouch age-related imperfections, reshape lost volumes, and correct imperfections. What changes is the substance that is infiltrated. In this case it is the patient's own adipose tissue, with an even lower risk of intolerance and allergy. The duration of the results also changes. Whereas hyaluronic acid is reabsorbed by the skin more quickly, with lipofiling only a part of the injected fat is reabsorbed (30-40%) and thus most of it remains where it was injected, the remodelling therefore in this case being more lasting and stable.


As we have already mentioned,hyaluronic acid is already naturally present in the connective tissues of our body. Therefore, the substance itself does not produce any side effects, risks or allergic reactions. The same applies to lipofilling where the substance taken comes directly from the patient's own body. Onehas to be very careful, however, about how it is administered. The treatment is not considered painful, although a slight discomfort may be felt, which is however bearable.

Despite the fact that it is a simple procedure, as we always say, it is essential to rely on the expert hands of a professional, avoiding treatments of this kind in beauty centres or salons, choosing instead to always and only go to a doctor. Also avoid those who offer you low-cost prices; a good doctor will only use fillers of the highest quality and will naturally cost more. Better to pay more but make sure you are in the right hands when it comes to your health and your body.