Mini Face Lift: when the facelift is mini

Mini Face Lift: when the facelift is mini

Premature ageing is the main cause for resorting to aface lift. The ageing phenomena are linked to various factors, such as age, environmental conditions, frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, incorrect lifestyle and co-existing metabolic diseases. An ageing face undoubtedly presents highly unsightly features: thinning of the dermis, appearance of wrinkles, formation of skin folds and furrows, dryness and flaking of the skin, and a decrease in subcutaneous fat tissue with downward sliding.

The facelift is, of all cosmetic surgery procedures, the most suitable for solving these problems, tightening the skin of the face, smoothing wrinkles and restoring a youthful, fresh appearance.

Among the various types of facelift, today we are talking about one in particular, the so-called 'mini-lifting', which is very popular and effective, especially in younger people. The term 'mini-lifting' also recalls, and rightly so, concepts such as 'minimally invasive' and 'minimally traumatic'. And this is also why the procedure is well suited to younger people, to those who have a certain fear of more complex surgery. Of course, the results that can be achieved are also milder, but they are well suited to certain categories of patients in whom sagging is not yet very advanced.

The term mini face lift refers to a short scar lift, a less extensive version of a surgical procedure used to reduce and reverse facial ageing. it is, however, only advisable when the defect concerns the lower portion of the face (i.e. neck, chin and cheeks), thus not involving the forehead or the orbito-palpebral region. The operation involves skin incisions limited to the pre-auricular and retro-auricular regions (i.e. in front of and behind the ear), without involving the scalp.

The result is a change from facial sagging to a general improvement of the mandibular and cervical region with an overall appearance that appears strongly rejuvenated. The improvement will be visible mainly in the cheeks, which will appear toned and lifted after the operation.

The operation is carried out under local anaesthesia with sedation, can be performed on an outpatient basis and usually lasts 90-120 minutes. The post-operation will be rather smooth, given the small size of the cut and the rather long-lasting results.