Minimally invasive procedures for double chin and lower face

Minimally invasive procedures for double chin and lower face

A double chin or laxity in the lower part of the face can spoil even the most beautiful face. A double chin is an accumulation of fat under the chin in conjunction with excess skin and sagging neck muscle. It can be related to an overweight problem but not only, it can in fact be caused by ageing or be linked to the conformation of the face.

Often plastic surgery is the most suitable solution to eliminate it, but there are also methods that give good results while being minimally invasive. Since the prevalent component of a double chin is fat, chin liposuction is the first treatment that can be performed in such cases. Excess fat is sucked out using small cannulas, achieving a stable result over time with minimal and practically invisible scarring. This solution is very good for younger patients, while after the age of 35-40 it is advisable to combine it with a lifting operation in order to achieve an optimal result. Thus, even if excess fat is associated with a flabby skin lacking in tone, it is necessary to intervene, after liposuction, with a lifting of the area, in order to eliminate the excess skin.

The same applies if the problem in question is more an excess of skin or laxity of the lower part of the face. In this case, a neck lift is necessary. If one prefers to avoid surgery because one considers it too invasive, one can resort to a non-surgical facelift with tensor wires. The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis with minimal local anaesthesia only in the areas where the thread is introduced and exited. The technique consists of placing wires under the skin with a double needle, anchoring the two ends at specific points on the face in such a way as to create traction. The results of the treatment are immediate and extremely natural. Moreover, the materials used are completely reabsorbable by the body.

Another possible treatment is invasive radiofrequency with a cannula that manages to combine the benefits of liposuction with the benefits of radiofrequency. With this method, radiofrequency not only melts and removes excess fat, as is the case with traditional liposuction, but also makes it possible to retract tissue, eliminating unsightly sagging skin.