More beautiful on the most beautiful day: plastic surgery for the wedding

More beautiful on the most beautiful day: plastic surgery for the wedding

In the list of things to do in view of the wedding, between flowers, hairdresser and beautician, a new figure has now appeared, that of the cosmetic surgeon. Yes, because, to look their best on the most beautiful day, both bride and groom are increasingly resorting to the expert hands of those who have made beauty their profession. A trend born, like many others, in the United States, where they call it bridalplasty, and which has now arrived in Italy too.

Accomplice to the desire to be perfect for one's wedding, but also to the increase in the age at which one gets married, pre-wedding retouching mainly concerns rejuvenation and body remodelling operations.

Requests of this kind mostly come from the south, where a wedding is a real family event. Moreover, requests come not only from the bride and groom, but also from close relatives, especially the bride and groom's mothers, who want to look younger and fitter for this special event.

Beware, however, that it is not possible to plan a cosmetic intervention a few weeks before the wedding. Of course, a lot depends on the type of intervention you want, but you have to take into account that, at least for the more demanding ones, you have to think about it in time. You certainly cannot risk arriving at the wedding with redness, scars or results that are still settling in.

Among the most important operations, and therefore to be planned well in advance, are body remodelling and the reduction of fat pads, operations aimed at restoring shape harmony, i.e. liposuction and liposculpture, thigh or arm lifts. As for the face, on the other hand, mini-facelifts and blepharoplasty to reduce weight on the eyes are in vogue.

For last-minute retouches, the most popular treatments are those of aesthetic medicine, which are less invasive and mainly target the face and décolleté to erase signs of time and stress and arrive at the altar rejuvenated and radiant. Among the most popular procedures are botulinum toxin injections and hyaluronic acid fillers, which can be performed even a month before the wedding to restore tone and vigour by eliminating wrinkles and infusing the face with turgidity and radiance.