Swimming costume test: last-minute touch-ups

Swimming costume test: last-minute touch-ups

As every year, as summer approaches, we begin to hear about the dreaded 'swimming costume test'. The imperfections that until now have been more or less hidden under clothes begin to surface, causing many people to feel uneasy and insecure. For the last-minute remise en forme, it is still not too late. If the bikini test really seems insurmountable, aesthetic medicine can be a valid solution thanks to treatments that can also be performed last-minute.

J Plasma technology in the first instance to reshape the body, treatments such as lipofilling of the breasts or buttocks to increase volume in a natural way, and botulinum toxin against excessive sweating, are the most useful and popular treatments as summer approaches.

  • The absolute novelty for body remodelling is represented by the J-Plasma by Renuvion technology, which enables the regeneration and contraction of collagen and elastic fibres. The skin becomes toned and healthy again and the body reshaping is noticeable and long-lasting. The most indicated sites for this type of treatment are precisely those most feared for the swimming costume test, i.e. the laxity of the inner thighs and the flaccidity of the abdomen, arms and neck. J Plasma is a revolutionary micro-invasive treatment that combines the energy of radiofrequency with the gaseous properties of helium toobtain controlled and safe heating of the subcutaneous tissue.a technology that, applied in aesthetic surgery of the body and also of the face, allows truly amazing results in terms of skin retraction. Moreover, the treatment allows results to be obtained in a single session requiring no hospitalisation, under local anaesthesia, with a truly minimal skin incision (3-4 mm) and, above all, with results that are immediately evident.
  • The word lipofilling, in English, means 'filling with fat'. This term is used to indicate all surgical procedures involving the removal of autologous adipose tissue from areas of the body where it is particularly abundant (such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, etc.), its purification from the blood, and the removal of the fat from the skin.this technique allows modest volume increases in 'tactical' areas such as the breasts or buttocks. The procedure can be performed under local anaesthesia combined with sedation or under general anaesthesia depending on the amount of fat tissue removed. The procedure lasts between 60 and 90 minutes with a short outpatient stay. The slight oedemas and few haematomas that can be caused by the operation disappear after about 7 days. Life and daily routines can then be resumed from the second day.
  • If the problem in the summer is excessive sweating ,we speak of'hyperhidrosis', a condition that affects both male and female patients who showprofuse and constant sweating that can affect the armpits, palms of the hands and soles of the feet.This condition can lead to discomfort in life and social relationships. Today, botulinum toxin is the most effective and safest response to this type of problem because, injected subcutaneously in small concentrations throughout the site affected by sweating, it manages to interact with the release of acetylcholine (a substance that is fundamental for the transmission of impulses to the muscle), causing a reduction in the muscular contractions that cause sweating with a consequent reduction in the latter. The treatment is performed at the doctor's office under local anaesthesia and lasts about 15-30 minutes. The result is appreciable after a few days and reaches its maximum effectiveness after a week. The duration of the treatment is about 4-5 months, i.e. the whole summer.

These are some of the most effective treatments that can also be done at the last minute, so for which exposure to the sun is not discouraged and which do not require long postoperative periods. Naturally, however, for some imperfections there are no last-minute solutions, so it is good to think about them in good time, perhaps as early as next autumn.