Vaginoplasty, rejuvenating intimate parts

Vaginoplasty, rejuvenating intimate parts

Taboos are falling and requests for cosmetic surgery to rejuvenate even intimate parts are increasing. It may indeed happen, as with the face or other parts of the body, that one does not feel comfortable with intimate parts. There may be congenital factors or reasons related to pregnancy as well as ageing that lead to significant discomfort, negatively affecting daily life with repercussions, specifically in the sexual sphere.

Hence, one can resort to vaginoplasty surgery, which aims to restore the normal tone of the vaginal muscles and mucous tissues that may have lost their characteristics as a result of one or more births or due to normal ageing.

Most women who request this type of surgery are women who reach pre-menopausal age early and who, at 46-48 years of age, still wish to live their sex life to the full. Other requests come from women who, due to childbirth, have suffered lacerations and changes in the genital the course of time, with ageing, the most evident modifications are those of the labia majora, which tend to undergo hypotrophy, resulting in a reduction in volume, a depletion of the adipose component, a change in shape, skin pigmentation, and tissue hydration, but also a reduction in elasticity and thinning of the dermis.

Vaginoplasty basically serves to shrink the vagina. it is the rather common surgery normally required to resolve symptoms related to perineal and posterior vaginal canal relaxation and to improve sexual function and activity. There are several possible surgical techniques, all with the aim of tightening the inside of the vaginal canal and changing its opening. The traditional vaginoplasty operation consists of removing a portion of excess mucous membrane by retensioning the vulvar muscles with a visible 'rejuvenation' of the vagina.

This operation has recently been joined by a new technique that has considerably reduced post-operative sequelae. This is lipofilling (injection of autologous fat), which makes it possible to restore trophism to the vaginal tissues with a noticeable narrowing of the lumen.

The procedure definitely has a positive influence on sexual activity, which can only be resumed 4-6 weeks after the operation.