
Aesthetic medicine and surgery in cancer patients ❒ Studio Romano Fuhr

Aesthetic medicine and surgery in cancer patients

The cancer patient faces several challenges in the course of the disease, the therapies and their side effects, including changes in physical appearance. This has fortunately led to the need to combine traditional therapies, both medical and surgical, with treatments dedicated to the patient's serenity and self-confidence.

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Dilated capillaries: which treatment ❒ Studio Romano Fuhr

Dilated capillaries: which treatment

Those thin reddish reticles that so annoy are usually called dilated capillaries. They are actually, rather than capillaries, tiny dilated veins, called microvarices. They can occur on the lower limbs and face. They usually appear in women but can also occur in men.

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SICPRE's 10 golden rules for safe mastoplasty ❒ Studio Romano Fuhr

SICPRE's 10 golden rules for safe mastoplasty

One of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures is breast augmentation, the operation that gives more volume to the breasts. However, it is an operation that should not be underestimated, as it is particularly delicate because of the area on which it is performed. The Italian Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (SICPRE) intervened a few years ago to shed light on this delicate operation with a decalogue, which is worth remembering and which it is best to reflect on before undergoing breast augmentation surgery.

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All about liposuction ❒ Studio Romano Fuhr

All about liposuction

Liposuction is seen by many as a quick and easy way to lose excess fat. Rather than undergoing strict diets and exhausting training sessions in the gym, people prefer surgery and no sacrifice. However, this is not really how things work, so let us clarify what liposuction is, who it is suitable for, where to operate, when and how.

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